AT Tallent Automotive in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, news the nation has escaped the grips of the double dip recession is another positive development in what has been a highly successful year.

The company, which manufactures car parts for nearly all the major brands, including Ford, Nissan, Honda and Volkswagen, has seen orders and output increase steadily since 2009.

And the completion of a 15,000 square metre extension, new manufacturing equipment and the addition of 16 young apprentices this year, show directors are confident this pattern of growth will continue.

Also, Ford’s decision to close its plants in Southampton and Dagenham is unlikely to impact on Tallent, as engineering and operations director David Land explained.

“The manufacturing is moving to Europe,” he said. “There is still the same demand - we will just be supplying the parts to a different location.”

Mr Land said the amount of new business and the volume of orders had increased year-on-year. “There is a strong demand for our products,” he said. “In some cases we are running six days a week to keep up.

“Demand has grown and looks to continue to do so in 2013. The extension and new equipment are part of this.”

Mr Land said that more could be done to support the manufacturing industry.

“There is definitely a skills shortage – not just in the North-East but across the UK,” he said. “This is a key issue  and we are always looking around for groups or individuals with the skills we need. We often meet with Nissan and small companies to look at how to address the problem.

“Apprenticeships are a great way to build a skilled workforce. We have taken 16 on board this year and would encourage other companies to do the same.

“It is important we all invest in the future.”