FIREFIGHTERS met children yesterday (October 25), to press home the message to stay safe on bonfire night.

Last year more than 50 people in the Cleveland area were treated for bonfire and firework related injuries and Cleveland Fire Brigade are hoping to reduce that figure this year.

Firefighters met with pupils from Grangetown Primary School at the brigade's training centre, also in Grangetown, Middlesbrough, to teach them safety skills and try and hit home the safety first message.

The brigade’s statistics show there were a total of 275 deliberate rubbish fires over a 24-day period last year.

Phil Lancaster, director of community protection at the brigade, said no-one should get involved with an unofficial bonfire. Anyone who hears of an unofficial bonfire should report it to the local council. The Firework Code should always be followed.

He said: “Remember deliberate fires cost this area millions of pounds each year. Enough is enough. No-one should have to put up with the setting of deliberate fires and associated anti-social behaviour in their community.”