YOUNG politicians have been having their say across the national airwaves on whether they should be allowed to have an early vote.

BBC Radio 1’s Newsbeat explored the issue and travelled 250 miles from London to interview students at Northallerton College.

The radio debate was prompted by discussions across the border on whether 16 and 17-year-olds should be allowed to vote in the referendum on should Scotland leave the United Kingdom.

Presenter Dave Howard had been urged to talk to sixth-former Liam Cutler, who is passionate about politics and a leading member of the National Youth Parliament.

And joining Liam in the on-air discussion were fellow sixth formers Dominique Triggs, Amy Clarkson and Michal (CORRECT) Zatrak, all 17.

Dave said: “We wanted to hear the views of young people outside of London and the Youth Parliament recommended talking to Liam. It’s great to engage ordinary teenagers in such an important issue as politics.”

Liam said: “In many ways we are already adult at 16/17. We can legally drive, get married and have children, so the vote would be just one more responsibility.

“People are more afraid of change than they are the actual issue.

“If it is done well it would increase the interest in politics and the number of people who turn out to vote which has got to be a good thing.”