A MURDER suspect described his victim as “a horrible, nasty, vindictive piece of work” in a police interview after his arrest, a jury heard today (Tuesday, October 23).

Graham Gibson, 47, told detectives that he repeatedly knifed Christine Henderson, 50, because he wanted her to “stop going on at me”.

The mother-of-three bled to death on the kitchen floor of a friend's house a week after she ended her 18-month relationship with gambling addict Gibson.

Teesside Crown Court has heard that Mrs Henderson had had enough of his violent and threatening behaviour.

In the week after their split in June, Gibson bombarded his estranged partner with phone calls, text messages and messages on the Facebook internet site.

Prosecutor Jamie Hill, QC, told the jury he was unable to cope with the separation.

On the night of July 1, Gibson visited Mrs Henderson at a friend's house, where she was staying after leaving their home in Kent Avenue, Hartlepool.

In his interviews, the killer said he “just snapped” when Mrs Henderson was “in my face” talking about his feelings for an ex-partner from the south.

He described the knife attack as “a frenzy” and “60 seconds of madness” and told police: “She just went on and on and on and on and on and on.”

Gibson added: “All I can remember saying is 'can you leave me alone now, please, and stop being horrible and nasty, but she wouldn't.

“Everything just happened too fast for me. 

“It just happened so quickly, it went in a flash . . . for those 60 seconds of madness, I just wanted her to leave me the hell alone.”

Gibson has admitted killing Mrs Henderson but denies murdering her. 

The trial, which is expected to last into next week, will continue today.