PEOPLE in Stanley are being asked their views about policing issues as part of a campaign to prevent burglaries during the winter months.

During Operation Gold Point police community support officers (PCSOs) will visit a variety of locations in the area and hold flood-lit meetings.

They will offer members of the public crime prevention advice and talk through any concerns raised about policing matters.

PCSO Steven Atherton said: “Over the past three years there appears to have been no increase in house burglaries in the Stanley area during the winter months.

“However, we know residents often feel most vulnerable at this time of year when the nights draw in earlier.”

Officers on foot patrol will identify houses considered vulnerable and give house-holders crime prevention advice.

A CCTV vehicle will be used in areas identified as being at risk while follow-up inquiries from the beat teams will see literature distributed in the surrounding streets following any burglary.

Between October 15 last year and February 15 this year, there was a total of 34 burglaries or attempted burglaries, and in almost a third of them entry to the properties was gained through an unlocked door or window.

Half of the burglaries that occurred took place overnight.

PCSO Atherton said: “We would encourage people to bear simple crime prevention tips in mind to avoid becoming a victim of an opportunist thief, such as ensuring your home is secure, with doors locked and windows shut, and if you are aren't at home, leave a light operated by a timer to come on before you are due back.”

The dates and locations of the flood-lit meetings are: Hunter’s Buses, Tantobie, October 24, 6.30pm-7.30pm; medical centre car park, Dipton, October 24, 7.30pm–8.30pm; police station, Catchgate, October 26, 6.30pm–7.30pm; Tesco car park, Annfield Plain, October 26, 7.30pm–8.30pm, Asda, Stanley, October 27, 6.30pm–7.30pm.