A NORTH-East landmark folly will host a special Halloween event on Saturday, October 27.

The National Trust is opening Penshaw Monument, near Sunderland , so that visitors can climb the 70ft staircase to the top.

The event, between 5pm and 8pm, will be the first time the monument has been opened after dark and it will have a Halloween theme.

A National Trust spokesman said: “Families are very welcome, although there is a minimum height requirement for the tour of one metre.

“There will be atmospheric lighting along the guided route, but it is not a surfaced path and includes steps up the hill.

“Therefore, it is advisable to bring your own torch or lantern to light your way and ward off things that go bump in the night."

Admission costs £5 per person (including National Trust members). Bookings can be made in groups of up to five people.

Call 01723-870423 or email penshaw.monument@nationaltrust.org.uk.