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Death Notice


Published on 14/03/2023

BRYDEN 3rd March in hospital. Alison aged 58 years of Darlington. Much loved daughter of Marie and the late James, dearly loved sister to the late Andrew, loving auntie to Drew and a very special niece to Rosemary, Mary and Gemmell. Funeral Thursday March 23rd would friends please meet 3.00pm for service at the West Cemetery Chapel Darlington prior to cremation, No flowers by family request.


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Alison Middlemas March 21st, 2023
So sad to hear this tragic news. We didn’t keep in touch after leaving 6th form college but Ali was someone I often thought of. Such a lovely person. Xx
Fiona Jamieson March 14th, 2023
Alison, your friendship meant a great deal to me. Your strength and courage were greater than you knew. I will always carry the memory of what a wonderful human being you were in my heart. Love, Fiona x