GEORDIE comedian Ross Noble is one of the Britain’s best-loved funnymen. Known for his chaotic comedy style and terrifically vivid, and at times random, imagination, he is a former winner of both the Perrier and Barry Awards.

A regular on TV panel shows, including QI and Have I Got News for you, he is currently touring the UK with his Mindblender show.

He will be performing at Newcastle City Hall on November 13 to 17. His film Stitches is out on October 26 and DVD, Nonsensory Overload, is released on November 5.

WHAT was your first car?

MY first car was an MG Metro. Every single panel on it was dented and I bought it off a friend of mine for £150. He is a comedian and he said ‘Every gig I have ever done I have done in that car’ and it’s absolutely bullet-proof - unless you drive it over 70mph. One night I was bit tired and was trying to get home and I did 80mph down the motorway - there’s no evidence, so you can’t prosecute me - I pulled up outside my house and it burst into flames.

HOW many times did it take to pass your test, who taught you and what in?

I PASSED my motorcycle test first time, my car test I took three or four attempts. I was too distracted, too easily in a car. I think the mistake I made was to do one of those intensive courses. I did two and failed them both. I was in a Fiesta, I think. My motorcycle test was on a Yamaha 125.

WHO would be your ideal fantasy passenger and where would you like to go?

IT would probably be somebody who was deaf, blind and mute so I could have the radio on and they couldn’t interrupt me. Where would I go? Just down the shops, probably.

WHAT is your dream car?

I OWN my dream car - I drive a Toyota Hi Lux. I am not into sports cars. I would quite like a rally spec Subaru or the Interceptor from Mad Max. I did look into getting one of them, but they are really expensive.

HOW would you describe your driving style?

ERRATIC in a car. I do, however, consider myself to be a very good motorcyclist. I raced bikes and I have done quite a lot of track riding. I got a bit obsessed with the California Superbike School and as I lived near Phillip Island in Australia I spent quite a long time on the track learning how to ride a superbike. I also ride trials and so, in terms of actual control, I am probably above average.

TELL me one driving anecdote from your past?

WHEN I had the first car, I opened the door one day without looking if anything was coming and an illegal mini cab ripped it off. As he was illegal he didn’t have any insurance or tax and I am not 100 per cent sure he had a passport either. Put it this way, he wasn’t keen to follow it up through official means, so I just told him to go because it was kind of my fault. I put the door back on the catch and jammed it shut. But I had to have the front and back window open so much because I had to have a bit of twine wrapped around holding it on.

WHAT is playing on your in-car iPod or CD player at the moment and why?

AT the moment I am listening to a podcast called WTF with Marc Maron. He is an American comedian who interviews comics and musicans, but they are all about an hour or two hours long and you get a great conversation. It’s not like a formal ‘so, tell me about your film’, he just chats to people. It’s like having interesting people in the car with you.

WHAT do you drive now and why?

HAVE you not been listening to my answers?