Weave some magic in the garden with the help of hazel and willow

ONCE again the year has rolled around, with new life such as snowdrops and irises already emerging, tantalising our senses and provoking our anticipation for the year to come. It is still a little early, however, to carry out the majority of garden tasks, such as planting and sowing.

Something that we do at Harlow Carr Gardens at this time of year is to prepare for the year ahead and gather material for structure building, in particular, hazel and willow.

Hazel provides the backbone support for the majority of our structures in the Kitchen Garden, especially for our peas, beans and sweet peas. It is used because it is a hard wood and, therefore, strong and long lasting. A single hazel tree that has never been cut can live for about 60 years. However, if there is regular harvesting of stems by cutting them down to ground level – known as coppicing – a tree can last up to 500 years.

Another material that we simply could not do without is the willow. The botanical name is Salix, thought to be of Celtic derivation, with “Sal” meaning near and “lis”’ meaning water.

There are many willow species native to Europe, including Salix caprea (Goat willow), Salix cinerea (Grey willow) and Salix viminalis (Osier willow).

Salix viminalis is one of the most common willows used in Britain for screening, windbreaks, and for damp sites. In recent years, it has often been used to make living willow structures, a few of which can be found at Harrow Carr. Willows can absorb heavy metals, they are fast-growing and have the ability to grow anywhere, so they are often planted to clean up contaminated sites.

In the Kitchen Garden, there is a willow grove which we coppice down to the ground every year. The benefit of doing this is that we have a sustainable source of material for path edging, which we weave through hazel pegs, and for weaving in and amongst our hazel structures.

Coppicing willow also ensures that the plants do not become too big. New stems are rich in colour, offering an ornamental winter display. If that’s not enough, willow is one of the easiest plants to grow.

One careful thing to consider if choosing willow is that it is incredibly vigorous, particularly Salix viminalis, which grows to to three metres in one season. Its roots also spread out laterally for several metres, so ensure you give your willow some dedicated space. Having said this, they can be managed as long as plants or structures are cut once a year.

To propagate willow, cut a stem, also known as a whip, into sections of 15cm to 30cm (6in to 12in). Cut cleanly above a bud, at the top, with a sloping cut to shed water and as a reminder of which end is the top. At the base, cut straight across below a bud.

The Northern Echo:
The vigorous plant after only one year’s growth

Insert the cuttings into the ground or sand bed, with two-thirds of the cutting below the surface. The roots will form along the stem. A few buds remain above the ground to allow the plant to grow away in spring.

Alternatively, if you’re after a living willow structure, then long whips can be planted directly into the ground. Using a heavy, metal rod or anything else suitable, drive a hole in the ground about 30cm deep, place your willow whip inside and backfill. It’s as easy as that.

Many inventive structures can be made using willow whips. Visit Harlow Carr Gardens for guidance and inspiration, and to see the structure building process from the start.