A DUTCH woman who has been tending the grave of a fallen Second World War pilot has launched an appeal to trace his family.

Frank Norman Robinson died in 1943 when his RAF Short Stirling Bomber was shot down over northern Holland.

The 21-year-old, from Darlington, was part of the 218 Squadron launching attacks on a German airbase near the village of Murmerwoude, in the Friesland region.

Another four crew members died in the crash on May 4, and three were taken captive as prisoners of war.

Locals have been looking after the graves of fallen Allied soldiers since the war.

One woman, 40-year-old Hannie Bosma, is hoping to get in touch with any remaining members of Sgt Robinson's family to find out more about the hero's life.

She contacted the Resistance Museum in nearby Leeuwarden and historians at themuseum got in touch with The Northern Echo.

"The graves of liberators are always taken care of by the people of the Netherlands, " said museum researcher Douwe Driyver.

"You could say the local community has a contract with the fallen. Everybody in the Netherlands was asked after the war to do something for the liberators, and this is one way for us to show our gratitude.

"Mrs Bosma asked us if we could find outmore about this man, so I decided to contact The Northern Echo.

"We would like to get in touch with his family if possible. She would love to find out more about him and find out where he came from and what happened to him exactly. " Little is known about Sgt Robinson's life. Records at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission simply state that hewas the son of Frederick Norman and Annie Robinson, of Darlington, and that he is buried at Plot E, Row 7, Grave 8, at the Dantumadeel General Cemetery.

Another five RAF airmen, and two from the Royal Canadian Air Force are buried at the graveyard.

Mr Driyver added: "We have tried to trace family members of other soldiers who died here before, but we have not had much luck.

"We are hoping this time will be different, and somebody who knows about Sgt Robinson will get in touch. "

* Call newsdesk on 01325505099 with information, or email neilmacfarlane@nne.co.uk