As Lucy planned her wedding

She knew she must lose weight

If she was to wear a wedding gown

And fit through the old church gate.

Quite a catch was Trevor Ball

She’d do anything to keep him

Even if that meant dieting

And joining the local man-gym.

The Snickers were so tempting

Turkish Delight made her nearly give in

But to stop her from the gorging

She simply thought of him.

Eating out was a nightmare

He laughed and told her to eat

She only picked at the potatoes

Ate little of the well-cooked meat.

The aroma from the bakery

From buns and still-warm pie

Was a huge temptation

But she just walked on by.

The chip shop nearly killed her

How she wanted those hot, hot chips

She consoled herself with fat-free snacks

And admired her newly-found hips.

Finally she reached her goal

And became a size fourteen

The wedding only a week away

She was going to look like a queen.

Left waiting at the altar,

The best man delivered the blow

Trevor had eloped with the bakery girl

An attractive size twenty four.

Catherine Shaw, Leadgate, Consett


Dark was the road he travelled,

Heavy the tree on his back,

Bared by the whip’s severe lashes,

Blood from the thorns on his beck.

Harsh were the words of the people

Who shook their heads at him and spat

But the thief on one side recognised him

“Today you will be where I am”.

Three hours the darkness descended

When he paid for the sin of the world

Then he carefully gave up his Spirit

The devil defeated now stood.

But light was the garden,

Dispersed was the gloom,

Raised was the body,

That had lain in the tomb.

Flowers were blooming,

The gardener was sought,

Appeared unto Mary,

Who was distraught.

“Oh where have you laid him,

where taken away?”

“He is risen as foretold,

On this the third day.

Go tell my disciples, Peter and John,

In a room in Jerusalem, you’ll see me anon.

I go to my father, take this gospel all round.

Remember in me only, Can salvation be found”

Mrs D Ridley, Frosterley


Eggs and ducks and days away

Now trivialise a special day

A time of mourning and of glory

All told in the Easter story.

Christians of every shade

Need to write and take a stand

To fight rot and disintergration

And restore stability to the nation.

A Fisher