“Whatever’s the matter,” said cock robin

When he heard the sparrow sobbin’.

“There’s not much the matter with him,” said the lark,

“He just wishes there was less noise in the park.

“He’s right,” said the crow, “we get no peace

Now that it’s full of Canadian geese.”

“Stop moaning,” said the visitors,

“You’re becoming awful bores

And we don’t react like this to you

when you land on our shores.

We don’t come because we want to,

it’s because we need the greens

That grow here in such profusion

which we need to feed our genes.

We also like the British bread,

to us it is a feast

As it seems to raise our spirits up –

could it be the yeast?”

“Well now isn’t that a compliment,”

said the brightly-coloured jay,

“We don’t hear praise for British goods like that every day.”

“I totally agree with you,”

said the sparrowhawk,

“And have you ever stopped to listen

just how much we squawk.

Really we should thank them

for eating greens and bread

Leaving us to feast on luxuries

like nuts and worms instead.

“So I say to you cock robin

Let us stop the sparrow sobbin’

And tell the crow there’ll be no peace

Until the noisy Canadian geese

Have had their fill of bread and greens

Which they need to supplement their genes.”

“You’re right sparrowhawk,” said an outspoken finch,

“And that sparrow should know it’s a cert and a cinch

That when they’ve gone home we’ll be calm and serene,

But, best of all, our park will be clean.”

Joyce Crawford, Darlington


I had a dream last night,

You lay beside me in the morning light,

We turned, looked, shared a smile,

And I was happy all the while.

I had a dream last night,

The sun was high and shining bright,

Hand in hand we walked the shore

And vowed our love for ever more.

I had a dream last night,

When I awoke you’d gone from sight,

Memories came and went again

Leaving behind a lingering pain.

I had a dream last night,

A knight in armour shining white,

He beckoned me toward his stead

But he was not the man I need.

I had a dream last night,

You lay beside me in the morning light,

We turned, looked, shared a smile

And you’d been with me all the while.

Doris Green, Darlington