I've got a crush on Thomas Cook

I'm rather bored with James

Now Thomas takes a girl abroad

For sun and fun and games

And lets her choose the time and place

And how long she will stay

He doesn't smile a friendly smile

Then fill you with dismay.

But James, he isn't interested

In where you go for leisure

It's looking into body parts

That gives him the most pleasure.

He likes to scan you up and down

He likes to prod and poke

And visit “private” places

(Not an ordinary bloke!)

Oh Thomas, thank you for the fun

You offer – the escapes

And James, thank you for tending us

When we get into scrapes.

We need you both in different ways

But James, it must be said,

You sure do have a way of

Getting women into bed!

Mrs Jean Purvis, Northallerton


There is a peace about October

That no other month can know

There’s a quietness that’s deeper

Than the softly falling snow

There’s a deepness in the colour

Of the gently changing leaves

The trees stand tall, majestic

As they’re swaying in the breeze

There’s a silence in the garden

There’s a stillness over all

There’s an awesome sense of waiting

As the petals begin to fall

There’s a sense of summer ending

With the glory of the fall

Glowing fruits and seed pods

Show God’s glory over all

There’s a beauty in October

That none can imitate

There’s a mystery in nature

Deeper than love or hate

Mrs D Ridley, Frosterley


Come dancing with me,

Let my body move

Stretch, bend, blend, pleasure and pain,

Let my body move through the strain

The stream of light,

Held by entranced darkness, the music.

Bruce spruced in the joy of eyes

As sex on legs, mix, move, dance to tunes

Different bones, honed flesh, fragile bones

Style, smile, as colours blend, glitter, spangle

As flesh blisters, pants, handhold grips bodies,

Meld movement, bodies rejoicing in music.

Legs, dress, flesh, sashes, swish

As the moonlight dance hangs,

As steps glide, pirouette, trousers flex

So much action

Marks out of ten

Stepped glamour, moves, of gone times.

Alison Carr, Bishop Auckland