We sat on the beach

Watching waves pound the shore,

Just coming and coming

More and yet more.

Every flowing, ne’er ceasing

With no end in sight,

Like the love of our Father

Holding us tight.

The waves played games

As the higher they rose,

Chasing and missing

Unsuspecting small toes.

And God’s love never ends,

Just comes flowing in,

Washing away our

Sorrow and sin.

So let’s go swimming

Immersed in the flow

Of the love of our Father

Wherever we go.

So as the waves keep coming

We leave them behind,

But this scene lives on

In my spirit and mind.

Elizabeth Tomlinson, Richmond


The Irish have their shamrock

And their Irish stew.

The Scottish have the thistle

And their shortbread too.

The Welsh have leeks and daffodils

And their choirs are very good.

But you can’t beat Great Britain

For roast beef and Yorkshire pud.

Betty Watt, Durham


Relive the good times of the past

Hold on to your beliefs, stand fast

Enjoy each happy day of our present

What has to be will be, is well meant

Think wisely for a golden future

Look upon it as the great adventure.

Only in our memories, the past,

Remembering each one, will last

At this point of time, the present

Time never stops, it’s only lent

What is in store for the future?

Some of us guess, nothing is sure.

Photographs bring back the past

Antiques also, made to last

What happens now is the present

This very second, surely sent

Palmists try to predict your future

Let future find its own proper cure.

AEL Smirk, Darlington


A Martindale’s coach, half past six,

On the dot

Conveyed me to work every day

For almost three years, turned up,

No matter what

Whether rain, hail or snow,

Nothing kept Mart’s away.

Reliable, regular Mart’s always came

They never ran late, always showed

Their record puts present day buses to shame.

Yes, Martindale’s coaches were kings of the road.

Ken Orton, Ferryhill Station