My garden is a special place

A retreat; to move at a slower pace.

The ranquil sound of running water.

Allows my mind to roam and wander.

The foliage, plants and wondrous trees.

Flowers, swaying gently in the breeze.

The birds chirping in the blue sky.

On a sunny, warm, bright day, oh my!

Just take the time to look around

To have these things, won’t get you down

Seeing, as in the eye of the beholder,

This is to treasure, as we get older.

It will calm your distracted spirit

Peace will live in your caring heart

Mother Nature gives us a special lift

What a wonderful, timeless, precious gift!

Susan Hymer, Bishop Auckland


Landscapes, lakes, and forest views,

Hovers a hawk, with grace he moves,

Caught in the thermals, in the summer

skies, weaving in and out of trees.

He came down in his flight,

A rabbit caught in his sight,

One fatal swoop, on uneven land,

As he plucks his victim from the ground.

The memory of that day will last,

For I shall cherish the day gone passed,

Where I go I look to see his outstretched

wings, as he follows me.

And with his crop full,

my arm stretched out, my fist he’s seen,

As he looks down from the trees,

His mind his own, his soul is free.

But my powerful bird of prey,

decides to come home with me.

Carole Fairish, Spennymoor


I’m tired of hearing of this credit crunch

The public being warned of a costlier lunch

Bankers and traders are now counting their kitty

The downturn being caused by the gnomes in the city.

It happened quite simply when Prudence left town

The man in the street was offered loans – nothing down

Dow Jones and Footsie then went ballistic, sky high

Don’t worry, you can afford this toxic pie

No Threadneedle pressure from up above

The city thought it’s good here innit, let’s spread the lurve.

We are told we are in a recession

The numbers not working carry out the procession

Jobs cut, prices up and glum faces, they mope

To visit that place which offers little hope

I’m off to dole lad, those words thought never repeated

Will echo long in lives of the depleted.

So the credit crunch was thus caused by greed

The city know they gambled, to that they’ll accede

By people who worship in the land of sharks and honey

But know that there idol was money, money, money

So let’s re-hire Prudence, she was good at her job

The public will accept there was no pot to rob

Alan Reed, Darlington