You may think that I’m barmy,

you may think that I’m mad,

For living with my sister

or even with my dad,

But when you sit in Parliament

you soon come to your senses,

For even adult movie porn

can be claimed upon expenses.

Steve Craggs, Darlington


Tears drop from cold cheeks

Run in male creased eyes,

Darkness, Quakers quake,

In the thought of their demise,

Footballs gasping side,

As the stoic Northern slides

Through history, dies –

Grieving town’s cry.

Alison Carr, Bishop Auckland


The winter is over,

The daffodils dance in the breeze,

The birds are whistling

And singing in the trees,

It’s Easter again,

Christ risen from the dead,

God with us on the path of life we tread.

Christ shares with us the pain of daily life,

In a world where greed breeds

Endless war and strife,

Where innocent children are killed

By the weapons of war,

Sent to an early grave

Through death’s dark door.

Listen, the church is alive

With hymns which the angels sing,

Easter is a time to celebrate

Christ the King,

He who pierces Earth’s gloom

With life and light,

He who overcomes death,

Puts the demons of Satan to flight.

Thanks be to God who in Christ

Sets the prisoners free

From sin and death,

Who enables the blind to see,

Who brings peace to the tortured souls

The troubled mind,

Who turns grief into joy,

For God is loving and kind.

The Reverend John Stephenson, Sunderland CRUCIFIXION

Who can stem this crimson tide?

His blood ran red at Easter tide.

O my people, what have you done

To the Son of God and son of man?

Pierced feet and hands and side,

By cruel nails, the saviour died,

While men played games and laughed

He cried: “It is finished.”

Falsley tried by men who lied,

Lifted up to die in shame,

By the men for whom you came.

Oh foolish men and full of pride,

Why do you mock the crucified?

Mrs D Ridley, Frosterley, Bishop Auckland