Furtively carrying his toolbox
He skulked through the door
Alarm showing on my face
I cried "Please no more!"

Everything’s now altered
There is nothing more to do
You checked everything electrical
And have tightened every screw.

The kitchen you refurbished
You then hung all new doors
Lifted every carpet
Then laid laminate floors.

The bathroom’s looking great
The colour is unique
The loo seat is impressive
I’m pleased we chose the teak.

I am sure there is a friend
Or relative out there
Who would appreciate your talents
And have things that need repair.

But, I feel, you need a rest
We both should go away
Let us go to Thomas Cook’s

And book a holiday.
Our home will then be tidy
No more disarray
With toolbox locked in garage
Let’s hope it stays that way.

June Taylor, Woodham