WORD reaches me that Vin Garbutt is to be feted in spectacular fashion, when the premiere of a new autobiographical film about Teesside’s favourite singing son will be premiered at the Cineworld Multiplex Cinema on November 11, followed by a week-long public showing on their big screen.

It’s a fitting accolade for Vin, I have to say, and a DVD release for the film is scheduled for the Christmas market. In the meantime, live folk music coming our way in the region this week includes Rory Pringle at Skelton’s Duke William tonight, and a reunion of the influential duo Chris Wood and Andy Cutting at Gateshead’s The Sage on Friday.

Saturday offers a choice between a singaround at The Ship in Middlestone Village, young stars Hannah James and Sam Sweeney at Washington’s Davy Lamp, The New Scorpion Band at The Sage, and a rescheduled appearance for John Tams and Barry Coope at Reeth’s Memorial Hall, with Exiles from Eden in support, having been postponed due to bad weather earlier this year.

The Tyneside Irish festival starts a two-week run tomorrow at various venues on either side of the river. Among the highlights in this coming week is another local appearance by Sarah McQuaid at the Irish Centre on Wednesday, with rare showings for De Dannan, Eleanor Shanley and Frances Black coming up next week. I’m heading off to The Colonies soon for a three week tour of North American folk venues, and I’ll be reporting back to you as I drive my Chevy to the levee and get my kicks on Route 406 in the balmy New England weather. Before that though, I’m popping in to the folk show on Bishop FM next Monday night to chew the fat with presenter Terry Ferdinand, and you can eavesdrop at bishopfm.com, this week and every week at 9pm.