BEZ, the former dancer with the Happy Mondays, is the latest act to liven up the Durham Live venue on Saturday.

The tambourine-playing entertainer is bringing along his new band, Domino Bones, for one of the biggest nights at the club so far.

The support band are the Fifties-style Revolutionaires from Coxhoe.

Club owner Bob Senior is aiming for an attendance of around 650 and is hoping that an entrance fee of £7.50 will ensure that his new-look entertainment nights continue to lift the musical profile of Durham City.

“We’re lining up a number of other artists including the reformed Beautiful South on July 16, Jamie Archer of the X Factor on May 31 and Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac on July 31. We’re also looking to book a series of comedy nights alongside burlesque performers starting in November. These are being organised by the company behind the Jongleurs franchise,” he says.

Since launching band nights the club has been inundated with offers of potential bookings. Bob Senior has responded by offering to discuss the use of the club’s state-of-the-art stage area lighting and sound, which he bought at a knockdown price when a Dubai deal fell through, with schools and colleges.

“I’d like half-a-dozen bands aged between 13 and 19 to use the club on Saturdays to rehearse and gain experience of appearing on stage. We’re not sure whether this will require a charge, but we’re hoping that the idea of live music will pull in fans and cover the cost. I’m hoping that interested bands will contact Steve on 0779-222- 3212 to discuss the idea as soon as possible,” says Senior.