IN the wake of some fine television coverage of folk and roots music by the BBC earlier this year, and the enthusiastic response from a huge section of the viewing public, there is obviously hunger for more in the same vein.

So I am still bewildered by our local ITV station's lack of interest in the massive swell of popularity across the NorthEast for the musical treasures that clutter our own doorsteps. Surely a meagre budget could be found that would enable them to provide a platform for the established bands and musicians, along with the hoardes of fresh talent, that the rest of the country and indeed the rest of the world hold in such envious esteem?

Would any TV types like to drop me a line, if only to disabuse me of the suspicion that both performers and audience are being ignored and uncatered for? Meanwhile, there's still plenty to go out and hear 'live' this week, with Saturday especially busy, offering Pete Coe at Swaledale Outward Bound Club in Richmond, Dick Gaughan at Washington's Davy Lamp, and a solo gig for me at Frosterley Village Hall.

Real Time are at Westoe Rugby Club on Sunday, and Irish superstar Mary Black is at Gateshead's Sage on Monday night. And there's still a wealth of folk choice on radio, with Mike Harding at 8pm on Wednesday on Radio Two, Alistair Anderson at 9pm on Radio Newcastle on Sunday and www. radiobritfolk. co. uk is one of several great folk music sources available on line at any time. Radio Three's Late Junction, at 10.15 every weekday night also presents a wide range of roots music, as does Andy Kershaw on his late show for that station.

Are you listening, all you TV executives?