WHAT’S ON: Northern Sinfonia, directed by Bradley Creswick, Bach, Corelli and Handel at The Sage Gateshead at 7.30pm tonight.

Box Office: 0191-443 4661 REVIEWS: Beethoven Cello Sonatas Vol 2 (CDA 67755) Angela Hewitt and Daniel Muller-Schott present a second volume of Beethoven’s Cello Sonatas. As well as two ground-breaking masterpieces, the album includes the composer’s homages to Mozart and Handel. A performance of depth makes for compelling listening.

Bach: Piano Transcriptions Vol 8 (CDA 67709) Hyperion’s fascinating march through the multifarious transcriptions of Bach’s music continues with the take by Eugen d Albert. One of the greatest pianists of his day, he saw in the monumental scale of the organ works the opportunity to synthesize the works with the expanded capabilities of the piano. A disc that grows on the listener with each playing.

Verdi: Requiem (LSO Live SACD LSO 0683) The London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir Colin Davis, presents a sterling account of Verdi’s Requiem. Davis evinces a glorious rendition of the Dies Irae while conveying the lyrical beauty of the solo passages. Featuring a superb international cast, including American soprano Christine Brewer, Canadian bass John Relyea and tenor Stuart Neill.