WHAT’S ON: Gilad Atzmon & Strings, The Sage, Gateshead, Saturday, 0191-443- 4661.

CD REVIEWS: Ian Shaw/Somewhere Towards Love (Splash Point Records SPR008CD) This is not only the best record Shaw’s ever made, but also one of the finest jazz vocal albums in recent years.

Shaw is in particularly good voice, his piano providing perfect counterpoint. Both are caught to perfection in the crystal clear recording.

Claire Martin/A Modern Art (Linn Records AKD340) Martin’s newest album features some great new songs, including a couple by Joshua Redman and Esbjorn Svensson, two of her own written jointly with bass player Laurence Cottle, and just a couple of standards. A class studio group including Gareth Williams, Nigel Hitchcock and Mark Nightingale provides great accompaniment on a fresh, stimulating programme.

Count Basie Orchestra/Swinging, Singing, Playing (Mack Avenue Records MAC1048) Arranged and conducted by trombonist Dennis Wilson, the current CBO swings as well as ever. No wonder, with a string of guests including Hank Jones, Frank Wess and singers Janis Siegel, Nnenna Freelon and our own Jamie Cullum. Check out the Giant Blues Flag Waver and Dark Morning.