YES, Bard groupies, “The one with the bear” is back in town. This production is a rich feast for the eyes and food for the soul.

Greg Hicks is a masterful King Leontes, horrid but human. Leontes calls his heavily pregnant wife Hermione “bed-swerver” and in one very bad day kills her with his words (sort of) and boots out baby. Then his son dies.

The dusty, velvety court of Sicilia breaks in a scene change from the Gods into Bohemia, ruled by Polixenes, the man accused of “sluicing”

Hermione and the place to which baby Princess Perdita is abandoned, suddenly. Cue bear.

This is certainly a play of two halves. The dark human tragedy of Sicilia is transformed into a surreal, sunny, Bohemia, where humble shepherds adopt the socks with sandals look and pagan-looking paper creations cavort around showing off their comedy appendages.

The 16-year-old Perdita, with her borrowed frock and tatty tiara is queen of this folk festival. Or would be if her boyfriend Florizel’s father wasn’t so not into her being a commoner. Florizel (Tunji Kasim) was the weakest link for me and he did have an unfortunate habit of attaching himself to the paper so liberally strewn about his Scottish/Welsh/anything goes kingdom.

The RSC seems to have consigned blank verse rhythm to the fate of the doublet for this production and the result is a quick as lighting naturalism.

To quote shamelessly out of context, “this show is a fresh piece of excellent witchcraft”.

■ Until Saturday. Tickets 08448-112-121.

Sarah Scott