A COUPLE of weeks ago the top selling US single in and Number One in the Billboard Hot Country Songs Chart was Toby Keith’s The American Ride.

It’s also the title of his new album release. Mr Keith has now gleaned 26 chart toppers since he left Oklahoma for Nashville in 1993; sold over 30m CDs; been honoured by BMI for 50m airplays, and performed more than 100 live shows in Iraq, Afganistan and Kuwait for US troops.

There are 12 new tracks and all but one is either written or co-written by him.

Although he’s a new name to the noncountry fan, I’m sure that over the next month Keith will attract interest, particularly as he has announced his first UK concerts.

You can catch him at Glasgow 02 Academy on November 9, and the following night at London Hammersmith Odeon. He also appears at the Belfast Odyssey on November 13. Whether you catch him in person or on disc you’re sure to get a great American Ride.