THE latest show from this Perrier-nominated comic is a long rambling analogy of how relationships are a bit like the economy that require investment, have certain taxes but also give benefits.

It’s an interesting idea, but would have been better summed up in one or two lines because the theory is stretched out too thinly over 90 minutes.

Gordillo has also fallen into the trap of writing an hour-long show for Edinburgh then trying to eek out an extra 30 minutes with “local material”.

North-East audiences are used to London-based comics coming up here and doing dodgy Geordie accents and to be fair Gordillo’s was not that bad.

But cracks about slappers being sick in the Bigg Market are nothing new and were met with polite ripples of laughter from people who’ve heard it all before.

Gordillo comes across as a bit of Hugh Grant, quite plummy voiced and charming and is quite a likeable performer, but he is let down by his material.

It was just a bit dull and at the end the 43-year-old lost some of the crowd who, toe-curlingly, started chatting among themselves, much to the frustration of the performer himself and more patient audience members.