FROM the opening scene of this fantastic show you are left wondering, how could this be topped? What can they do for a grand finale?

The Grand Cirque doesn’t disappoint. Every set amazes and astounds as audiences are left gasping on the edge of their seats, fearing for the safety of those involved.

I have to stress just how impressive the athletic ability of these performers is. They’re at the peak of physical condition and give the impression there’s nothing they cannot do with their bodies.

Leaping from poles, contorting their bodies and jumping through holes I would struggle to put my hand through – the wealth of talent and showmanship on offer is astounding.

It’s clear that a lot of hard work that has gone into the performances and sets.

The amazing stunts are interspaced with some comic relief when the master of ceremonies takes to the stalls and chooses unsuspecting members of the audience to join him on stage.

I found this pretty funny until it was my turn. Doing a stupid dance in front of a girl I had taken to the theatre to impress a little was not my finest hour.

Despite my heartache, I’d recommend this show to almost anyone. Children and adults alike will find it hard not to be impressed with the magnitude of spectacle on offer.

Daniel Howlett