DARLINGTON Operatic Society’s artists seem to be getting younger and more confident with every performance.

This production of Cole Porter’s sparkling Thirties musical does full justice to the bouncy, witty songs and the choreography fits to a “T”. The orchestra, mounted high up on the bridge of the SS America on which the action is set, produces a rich fruity sound which could have been a problem for the vocalists had they not been of such high quality.

Zoe Kent, in the lead role of Reno Sweeney, strikes a blow for curvy women everywhere as she sashays about in gorgeous gowns, executing some hot moves provided by choreographer Martyn Knight and exercising those powerful vocal chords.

Joanne Mason is saucy as flirty gangster’s moll Erma, and Selena Blain plays ingenue Hope Harcourt with sweetness and a very pretty voice. Multitalented Julian Cound sings and dances up a storm as Billy Crocker, and is clearly thrilled with his new tap-dancing skills, as is the rest of this young company – it’s very appealing to watch them tapping expertly away, their faces all aglow.

Lord Evelyn Oakleigh, the joke Englishman in the cast, is played by up-and-coming Chris Horn. Chris has a natural talent for comedy and his body language is hilarious. His singing voice is excellent, too.

Amateur theatre these days isn’t the shuffling, off-key affair it once was, and what more pleasurable way to support than to enjoy an evening of superb musical comedy that sends you home smiling with a song on your lips.

■ Anything Goes runs until Saturday, May 2. Call the box office on 01325-486555.