THE LAST instalment of Opera North’s fouryear journey through Wagner’s Ring Cycle reached a cataclysmic conclusion at Sage Gateshead.

To the bulk of the capacity audience, who have faithfully made the pilgrimage every year, the seven-hour concert (including two breaks) will have been a flash in the pan Indeed, time itself seemed to stand still from the moment the three Norns (Fiona Kimm, Heather Shipp and Lee Bisset) made their entrance and weaved their rope which snapped, thereby breaking the bond between past and present.

Mati Turi’s Siegfried immediately established his presence, singing with unerring athleticism and expression throughout, while Alwyn Mellor was a formidable Brünnhilde.

Susan Bickley’s Waltraute packed a visceral punch, as she warned Brünnhilde of the doom awaiting all if she did not relinquish the ring to the Rhinemaidens.

Mats Almgren, singing with a cavernous bass, put in a show-winning performance as Hagen.

He oozed malevolence as he manipulated half–brother brother Gunther (Eric Green) and sister Gutrune (Orla Boylan) into marriages of convenience with Brünnhilde and Siegfried.

One of the highlights was his bloodcurdling call to arms, backed by brilliant singing from the male chorus.

Wagner’s sumptuous score was done full justice by Richard Farnes, who built up the tension inexorably, before unleashing crescendos with exquisite timing.

Just as powerful were the orchestral interludes, including Siegfried’s glistening Rhine Journey. His Funeral March shook the foundations, while final Brünnhilde’s Immolation was driven to a scorching climax.

For those who missed the series, Opera North are planning to do the full cycle over a week in July 2016 and talks are underway to attract it to Sage Gateshead. It will be a date for the diary for all Wagnerians.