GEORDIE comic Gavin Webster has prepared yet another provocative show, for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. A Controversial Title in Order to Sell Tickets, follows hot on the heels of last year’s critically acclaimed hit, Don’t Give Any Money to Comic Relief, and Other Opinions and 2012’s Bill Hicks Wasn’t Very Good.

The Wallsend wit made a marvellous job of “skewering the non-taxpaying Bono, Richard-rich Curtis and Bob the Billionaire Geldolf” last year’s according to actor, producer and critic Kate Copstick.

Asked if Edinburgh will get tjhe irony of this year's effort, Webster replies: "Well, the thinking was, this might be a way of selling tickets. I got accused by more than one reviewer in the past of having 'incendiary' titles in order to sell tickets, and that I was shameless in doing so'. Well, give a dog a bad name. I've decided to shamelessly sell tickets by giving it a controversial title. It’s a bit like putting a notice on a wall with 'Do Not Throw Stones at This Notice', really.

“I've no doubt that some reviewers will not get a trace of the irony. In fact, the irony bus could run some of these spotty Herberts over, and they'd just get up, dust themselves down and say “what was that?'

The Newcastle-based comic once considered the Edinburgh Festival was something of a Busman’s Holiday, when he first started out, and enjoyed a love/hate relationship with the Fringe in the past. Now he enjoys teases the ticket-buyers a little.,

“The paying public seem to have really taken to me, in recent years, I'll concur,” says Webster. “In 2003, 2008 and 2009 their reaction was the same as the reviewers, bemusement. However, in 2011, 2012 and last year, the paying public have laughed at the jokes and lapped the show up. My reviews are now mixed to be fair. In 2012 I got a five-star review on the first day from the Scottish Herald, I've never quite hit those heights since, maybe I never will, that's quite a high bar.

“Bill Hicks Wasn't Very Good, was probably the best received, critically. A five-star and two four stars were mixed with some of the worst reviews I’d ever had. Some reviewers from websites and small publications hated it, and hated me for even touching on the blasphemous subject of Bill Hicks subject. It was as if I'd taken the comedy lord’s name in vain. .

“My favourite show was last year's Don’t Give Money to Comic Relief . Mind you I still have affection for my 2008 effort Webster's Pictionary. .. and who knows, I might even have something to flog in the foyer.”

  • Webster plays host at The Stand 4, York Place, August 1- 24, 6pm, tickerts are £8 & £7. His new show, Oh no, not Gavin Webster Again, visits the Mill Volvo Tyne Theatre, on Friday, October 3. Tickets are £14, £12 and 2 for £20, for a limited period only. Call 08444939999 or