A standing ovation was given by the audience at the end of a magical evening of song by Northern Voices on Saturday.

The choir, who sing throughout the North-East, once again gave an uplifting performance in a programme which ranged across many musical genres. Such classics as Parry’s I Was Glad, Handel’s Zadok the Priest and Haydn’s Insanae et Vanae Curae were delivered with good balance between the parts and also allowed Northern Voices accompanist, Stephen Sild, to show his skills.

Whilst the contemporary works of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, Duke Ellington’s It Don’t Mean a Thing and the humorous Java Jive provided an excellent balance.

Stanford’s Bluebird was particularly beautiful.

Bernstein’s Westside Story medley rounded off a fabulous evening, but the audience refused to allow the choir to end there and the encore of You’ll Never Walk Alone was particularly appropriate in a fund raising concert for St.Teresa’s Hospice, Darlington.

The choir is a registered charity whose aim is to bring quality choral music to audiences, as well as helping raising cash for charities. It is delighted the evening raised £1,500 for St Teresa’s Hospice.

Northern Voices next concert is July 12 July at St.

Edwin’s Church High, Coniscliffe, and is to raise money for the Mayor’s charities and St. Edwin’s Appeal.

Tickets are £8, from the choir secretary on 01325 485844 or by emailing info@ northern-voices.co.uk,.

Go to northern-voices.co.uk for details.