After the runaway success of Last Tango In Halifax, Sarah Lancashire and writer Sally Wainwright have teamed up again for a hard-nosed new series, Happy Valley

IT could hardly be colder, greyer or wetter in Hebden Bridge, but the weather doesn’t detract from the beauty of this sleepy market town, nestled in the West Yorkshire valley of Calderdale.

Appearances can be deceiving though, because this is where Sally Wainwright, the Baftawinning writer of Last Tango In Halifax, has based her new series, which doesn’t shy away from depicting the area’s drug problems or the potential for horrific crime within its idyllic surroundings.

At the story’s core is Catherine, a local sergeant who’s now raising her grandson, following her daughter’s death eight years ago.

Wainwright’s made no secret of the fact she wrote the role with Sarah Lancashire, who’s been Bafta-nominated for her role in Last Tango, specifically in mind.

“It’s very flattering, but also with that comes a sense of responsibility, because she’ll have had expectations,” says Lancashire, who turns up to chat during a filming break in her character’s off-duty clothes, an arm encased in a fake sling.

Speaking cautiously with long pauses, she says she hopes people won’t play on the fact that it’s the same writer, same actress. “Yes, it’s not a coincidence that I happen to be doing another Sally piece, it’s very lovely to be kept in the fold a little bit longer, but it’s very different from Last Tango,” she states.

The story begins with Catherine going about her daily business, until a flustered man (played by Benidorm’s Steve Pemberton) reports a crime, but loses his nerve before revealing what it is. What Catherine doesn’t know is that the crime was his own brainchild – to kidnap his boss’ daughter and use the ransom to put his kids through private school.

“It’s about a woman who’s very damaged by her experience of losing a daughter and put in a situation where she’s trying to get by day-byday, and trying to find some inner peace. You realise she’s a bit fed up, like we all are, whether we like to admit it or not. I like that.”

Mother-of-three Lancashire understands how Catherine could carry on under such awful circumstances.

“I think we all do it actually, every day. That’s all we’re doing. We’re each just trying to get through life as best as we can, the only way we know how,” she says. “I admire the character.

She doesn’t give in and she never will.”

“Sally’s never afraid to portray women’s flaws, which is great, because we’re all flawed.

And she doesn’t necessarily make her women attractive, which is great too.”

After wrapping up the second series of Last Tango last year, Lancashire had five weeks to prepare for Happy Valley.

She describes herself as “a fierce researcher”

and learns her lines inside out. “You have to get something in the bank before you start, otherwise you get into trouble,” she says.

She also shadowed the Calderdale police – only during the day though because, as she puts it, “things change” after dark.

“In the evenings, they’re dealing with very different issues. Drug issues and much more violent cases. I would have been a complete liability.”

She did get to witness some action, however.

“We got called to this house where bailiffs had turned up and it turned into the filthiest, dirtiest fight. That’s when I stayed in the van.”

Usually, Lancashire won’t watch herself on TV, but the one exception is Last Tango. “I’m a fan of the show. It’s ridiculous isn’t it,” she laughs. “I watch it for Annie (Reid), Derek (Jacobi) and Nicola (Walker, her co-stars).”

“It’s the closest I ever come to feeling like I’m on stage, on screen. I think that’s to do with the way Sally structures the piece. Her work is symphonic, so beautifully tiered. And they’re very long scenes, it’s glorious.”

  • Happy Valley, BBC1, Tuesday, 9pm