STICKING up for your mum can have potentially fatal consequences as Gary Windass discovers in Coronation Street (ITV1). A fight leaves scumbag Phelan feeling very bad indeed It all begins with Phelan harassing Gary’s mum Anna. Not a nice thing to do. He’s forever pestering her and making her feel very uncomfortable indeed.

She tells Izzy who gets busy telling Gary.

He’s angry about how unfeeling Phelan is treating his mother and confronts the brute.

A fight ensues after Phelan accuses Anna of being a tart (and not in the baking sense) and leading him on.

Gary sees red and starts fighting with Phelan. Punches are thrown. Not content with using his fists, Gary picks up a piece of wood – they’re on a building site – and bashes Phelan over the head. He goes down and stays down, just like the Titanic did.

Fortunately, Celine Dion is not around to sing as he goes down.

What happens next? That would be telling, but clearly Gary’s in a lot of trouble. So is Belle in Emmerdale (ITV1) and, like Gary, potentially causing death by dangerous arguing.

Best mates Belle and Gemma have a falling-out. It’s not the first time. Last year the teenagers had a disagreement over Sean, but things seem to have calmed down and the three of them are hanging out together again.

Sean’s certainly not complaining having two girls competing for his attention, although for him, one is the Belle of the ball.

I’m surprised Belle even speaks to him considering he got Gemma pregnant while drunk.

The trio are having a night out to celebrate winning the school’s video competition, ironically called First Love.

Sean tells Belle he likes her, Belle plays it down to be nice to Gemma, but Gemma takes it badly. So Gemma is furious with Belle and Belle is angry with Gemma and Sean… well, Sean’s hasn’t a clue what’s going on. They’re a couple of angry birds. They argue and Belle pushes Gemma who falls and hits her head.

Perhaps she and Phelan could have a joint funeral.

Brenda has other things on her mind.

Shoplifting. She’s been pilfering in the aftermath of having a brain tumour and daughter Gennie dying (well, murdered if we’re being accurate).

She’s been pilfering from customers at the café and has been caught red-handed by a store detective. Now her day in court has come. Let’s hope she doesn’t steal the judge’s wig.

SISTERS Diane and Val aren’t on speaking terms – apart from exchanging insults. Diane slept with Val’s husband Pollard (inevitably they were drunk) while he was separated from Val. He didn’t know that Val has the HIV virus so it’s all got terribly complicated with Pollard feeling responsible about helping both women through their health crisis.

More lurve affairs in EastEnders (BBC1) where the atmosphere between former lovers Masood and Carol is as frosty as an eskimo’s extremities. He took to drink after she ditched him for David. Now Masood’s son Tamwar is dragged into the drama. Carol asks him to write to his ex, Alice, who’s behind bars. Masood is furious and confronts Carol.

Tina Carter, a relative newcomer to Albert Square, is reunited with an old girlfriend called Tosh and that sends Surely Shirley into a rage (so what’s new?).

Surely Shirley thinks that surely there was violence in her sister’s relationship with her ex. Tina, though, thinks it’s a load of old tosh with a small ‘t’. Sister Shirley is determined to keep the two girls apart, which promises a punch-up that would make Gary and Phelan’s fight look like a scrap between two toddlers.