MASSAGE therapist Eva (Julia Louis- Dreyfus) is separated from her husband Jason (Phillip Brock) but still lives with their beautiful daughter, Ellen (Tracey Fairaway), who is heading to college. At a party organised by best friend Sarah (Toni Collette), Eva meets a television archivist called Albert (James Gandolfini) who turns out to be the ex-husband of celebrated poet and potential client Marianne (Catherine Keener).

Secretly stuck in the middle between the feuding former spouses, Eva covertly gathers details about their failed relationship for personal gain.

This is a valentine to the transformative power of love and to the film’s leading man, who died suddenly in June last year. “For Jim” reads a simple dedication during the end credits. It’s a fitting swansong for Gandolfini - an actor who was unafraid to lay himself emotionally bare for his art.