OH Danny boy, what have you been up in EastEnders (ITV1)? Walford residents aren’t exactly known for their true and honest ways but Danny is one of the worst offenders.

He’s had his fingers in the till at Butcher’s Joints and now he has his hands all over Lucy.

The two events are connected. Danny likes it every which way but loose. Men or women, he’s not fussy. So why is he turning on the charm with Lucy? Simple – he’s been embezzling cash from the accounts and decides that seducing her is a good way of making sure she keeps quiet.

The office isn’t perhaps the most private of rendezvous for their sexual shenanigans, a fact proven when they’re interrupted by banged up owner Janine’s solicitor Surely Shelley (not to be confused with Walford resident Surely Shirley). Seeing the half-naked couple she deduces they’re not counting the petty cash and delivers bad news – Janine’s planning to sell the business. So Danny sets Plan B into motion. He comes over all romantic – flowers, chocolates, cuddly toy – to win Lucy round. It’s reported that the couple won’t take Janine’s plan lying down, although the photographic evidence says otherwise.

More passion down Weatherfield way. Yes, Temptress Tina is enticing Peter Barlow with her womanly charms again. She’s indecisive about what to do next. One minute, she’s leaving Coronation Street (ITV1) because she doesn’t want to be the other woman in the Peter-Carla-Tina love triangle. The next minute, she’s snogging Peter because, like a drug addict, she can’t give him up.

Peter wants the best of both worlds: marriage to Carla and an affair with Tina.

With Carla flying off to Paris on a business trip, Peter and Tina reckon they have the perfect opportunity for extra-marital nookey.

There’s passion – and a red wine stain – on the sofa despite Tina overhearing Carla’s plan to fly Peter to Paris as a surprise. If I was Carla, I’d pushed him out of the plane over the Channel. That would cool his ardour.

A burst pipe at Roy’s Rolls sparks a manhunt as Fiz and Anna realise that newlywidowed Roy Cropper has gone missing.

Perhaps he’s come a cropper in the wake of wife Hayley’s funeral (although that sentimental singsong in the Rovers might have driven him away).

Fiz and Anna need to talk to him about the pipe but he’s not at Aunt Jean’s house where he said he was going after the funeral.

Blabbermouth Fiz nearly gives the game away – that Hayley killed herself before her cancer did it – to the cops which causes a row with Anna.

In Emmerdale (ITV1) McMoira take matters (and Cain) into her own hands on the romantic front and asks the nearly-reformed bad boy to marry her. Her motives are suspect because former lover and her dead husband’s brother James is lurking in the wings waiting to make McMoira his own.

Matters are difficult because James has a secret about McMoira that could put the cat among the pigeons and ruin her relationship with Cain. Now, there’s an added complication – Chas is back and looking for lurve. She looks no further than James, thinking, “I’ll have a bit of him” (and we know which bit). Chas is Cain’s half-sister, just to make things murkier than ever.

Bob hopes to make things clearer by installing a secret camera to catch a thief on film. Trouble is, it’s his wife Brenda who’s nicking stuff. Her compulsion to steal has developed since daughter Gennie’s death. Now Brenda can’t help herself. Or rather, she does help herself – without paying.