THERE are some unwanted guests at Kim’s B&B in EastEnders (BBC1). They are small and furry with whiskers. No, not Fill the Fug after a night on the tiles, but mice.

This is bad news for Kim who’s struggling to keep her one-star rating.

The rodents aren’t the first thing to affect business. When the fridge and the cooker break down, she has to resort to getting breakfast for residents from the cafe.

There’s more shocking news when she goes to collect the food as Lucy tells her the environmental health inspector is on the prowl.

Kim makes a hasty exit on hearing this news in order to dump out-of-date food that’s in the B&B kitchen.

Her solution to broken electrical appliances is ingenious, but doesn’t perhaps confirm to health regulations – a fridge made out of freezer bags full of ice.

Then there’s more bad news. Ray’s no laugh when he reveals that the fridge and cooker are out of action because the wires have been chewed through.

And no, don’t go blaming Fill the Fug for that either. Mice have been making a meal of the wires – as one of the guests discovers when they find droppings on their breakfast plate. No amount of talk by Kim that it’s a new Jamie Oliver dressing can persuade them otherwise.

You might think it’s handy having a Kat around, except this is Kat with a K not Cat with a C or even Liza with a Z. Kat wants to arrange a romantic candlelit dinner for husband Alfie and chooses the B&B as the location which is like organising a mayor’s banquet on a public tip.

Kim fails to mention her furry friends, so when Alfie and Kat sit down for their candlelit dinner, they’re joined by an unwanted guest – a mouse.

Romance, too, for Fill the Fug and Sharon.

But does he mean it when he slips a ring on her finger? Not really, it’s part of his plan to persuade social services to let him take care of baby Lexi, the devil’s spawn – sorry, son of Evil Ben, the killer of Big Hevv.

I’m-All-Right Jack Branning isn’t. All right, that is. He wants Sharon to himself and doesn’t approve of her sham romance with Fill. With three of them in the fake marriage, it can only end in tears and probably child abduction.

Over in Emmerdale (ITV1) old passions reignite like a bonfire doused in petrol. Moira gets a surprise when she asks former lover Cain to fix her car.

Perhaps it was the way she said “Can you give me a full service?” that led to the misunderstanding.

What she gets is a full-on snog as well as her spark plugs polished and a damp chamois run over her bumper.

Moira has got involved in the murder of Carl, the tallest man in soap, by visiting the accused Chas in jail.

This outrages Cain who reacts by pulling her close for a kiss.

Poor Moira doesn’t know which way to turn. She’s got her knickers truly in a twist and is adamant that she doesn’t want Cain to straighten them out.

Trouble, too, for Gloria in Coronation Street (ITV1) when her plan to expose Lewis as a conniving, cheating schemer backfires.

He turns the tables on her and lands her in trouble with Rovers landlady and her daughter, Steely Stella.

All Gloria wanted to do was save Audrey from Lewis’s clutches and keep his hands out of her bank balance. Alas, Lewis doesn’t take it well when he finds out and plans revenge by exposing Gloria’s scam to win the pub of the year contest.

All those fake customer comment forms she’s been filling out are what’s called cheating. Stella is horrified and does what any daughter would do – she turns her mother out into the cold.