THE region’s dairy farmers are urged to take their milk contracts along to a meeting tonight.

The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) is campaigning for more balanced, professional and business-like contracts for producers – particularly after the collapse of Dairy Farmers of Britain.

It has developed a contract template that can be adapted to suit any buying and selling situation.

Hayley Campbell, the NFU’s chief dairy advisor, will give tonight’s meeting in Northallerton, North Yorkshire, a campaign update and go through the template so farmers can compare it with their own.

Louise White, NFU regional dairy advisor, said some farmers were still struggling with contract issues following the collapse of Dairy Farmers of Britain.

“The insight that Hayley can provide into the current and forecast market situation will give those members the chance to review their position and the options open to them,” she said.

The meeting is at Allerton Court Hotel at 7.30pm.

■ The amount of liquid milk imported into Britain leapt by 50 million litres between 2006 and last year – up from 84.4m litres to 134.1m litres.

The figures were given to Tim Farron, Lib Dem agriculture spokesman, in response to a parliamentary question.

Mr Farron criticised the food industry for importing such high levels, warning that even more dairy farmers will be forced out of the industry unless action is taken.

He also repeated his call for an independent supermarket regulator to encourage greater domestic production by ensuring UK dairy farmers are not offered below market prices.