SHEEP farmers have been urged to attend a meeting tomorrow to learn the latest on how electronic identification of sheep (EID) will affect them.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) will brief farmers at Scotch Corner Hotel at 7.30pm.

Officials will take questions and the National Farmers’ Union will also explain what it has done to try and get the regulation overturned.

Malcolm Corbett, NFU regional livestock board chairman, said: “It’s felt like a lifetime that we’ve been fighting these proposals, which are set to have a huge impact on our sheep industry given the sheer number of animals we have – more than four million in this region alone.

“In the final analysis all our arguments, which were backed by the UK Government, fell on deaf ears in Brussels, mainly because of a lack of support from other member states where flock numbers are so much smaller.

“The work continues now to try to mitigate the worst effects of these regulations, but with implementation due from January 1, 2010, it’s important that farmers begin to get to grips with what they will have to do on-farm from that date.”

Mr Corbett said: “There is no doubt there is a huge amount for farmers to implement in a very short space of time. That’s why we are calling on Defra not only to help farmers with as much information as possible but also ensure that they are treated sympathetically if problems arise that are beyond their control, for example a failure of the technology involved.

“This meeting offers local farmers the chance to hear at first hand from Defra what they will be required to do and there will be an open question and answer session as part of their presentation. We hope to see a good turn-out.”