A SERIES of free meetings is being held throughout Yorkshire and the North-East to explain the new Uplands Entry Level Stewardship Scheme (UELS) to farmers.

The scheme is due to open for applications in the New Year and will replace the Hill Farm Allowance (HFA).

However, unlike HFA it is open to all upland farmers in the Severely Disadvantaged Areas of the uplands – including dairy farmers – and is a voluntary part of Entry Level Stewardship (ELS).

Natural England is holding meetings throughout the region between now and December to explain the scheme.

It hopes farmers will apply to join the scheme as early as possible so they can be processed before the HFA finishes.

It pays farmers for simple environmental management that complements sound hill farming practices.

Uplands ELS offers an extra £15 – £32 per hectare on top of the ELS payments of £8 – £30 per hectare.

Farmers can choose from a wide range of new upland options to score points to attract the payments.

They include some mandatory requirements, grazing options, boundary maintenance and restoration, looking after traditional farm buildings and many more.

Rachel Webster, of Natural England’s Land Management Advisory Service, said: “These meetings give people an excellent opportunity to learn more about this new scheme.

“The opening date is rapidly approaching, so we are encouraging anyone farming in upland areas to come along and find out what it’s all about.”

Sue Harrison, farm advice senior project manager for North-East England, also urged farmers not in ELS to join now.

“First payments for any UELS will not be made until December 2010. So by signing up for ELS now, land managers will receive some 13 months of ELS payments plus the current Hill Farm Allowance payment. They will also be well placed to upgrade to UELS once it is launched.”

The meetings are at the Witham Hall, Barnard Castle, on Thursday; the Falcon Manor Hotel, Settle, on October 20; the CB Inn, near Reeth, on October 26; Rendezvous Hotel, Skipton, November 3; Fountain Hotel, Hawes, November 4; the Feathers Hotel, Helmsley, November 10; Sedgefield Parish Hall, November 11; The Lion Inn, Blakey Ridge, November 24; Salmon Leap, Sleights, on November 26; and Mickleton Village Hall on December 3. All from 7pm to 9pm.

A meeting at Bewerley Outdoor Centre, Pately Bridge, on December 3 is from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

Places at the Yorkshire events can be booked on 0113-230-3753. The Durham events can be booked on 0300-230-3754. For details, email farmevents@naturalengland.org.uk