AN ORGANIC farm in County Durham is highlighted in a national report outlining the benefits of environmental stewardship.

Chris and Liz Hodgson rear beef, cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens at Piercebridge Farm, Piercebridge, near Darlington.

They also have a flock of 500 laying hens and sell produce in their shop and cafe.

Since joining the Environment Stewardship (ES), they have seen a big increase in species on the farm, including otters.

The couple are tenants of Lord Barnard’s Raby Estate and feature in Natural England’s new booklet Look After Your Land with Environmental Stewardship.

Their 112-acre organic farm features as an example of best practice.

Environmental Stewardship is a Government scheme open to all farmers, land managers and tenants in England.

It provides regular payments for good stewardship of land and for managing it to improve the environment.

Mr and Mrs Hodgson’s selection of ES options include low input grassland and management of hedges and stone walls.

Mr Hodgson said: “Since joining the scheme, we have seen a noticeable increase in a variety of species on the farm, including otters, bumblebees, yellowhammers, lapwings and grey partridges.”

The scheme aims to conserve wildlife and biodiversity, maintain landscapes, protect historical features and reduce diffuse pollution.

For more details, call 0300- 060-1117 or send an email to iss.newcastle@naturaleng