A TRAINING body which focuses on the farming, forestry and horticultural sectors is celebrating a successful first year.

LandSkills, in Yorkshire and Humber, has spent more than £360,000 helping 870 people improve their skills on more than 1,400 training days.

David Hugill, a North Yorkshire farmer and regional chairman, cut a celebratory anniversary cake during a meeting at the Crown Inn, Roecliffe, near Boroughbridge.

He urged those eligible to enjoy their slice of the 80 per cent funded training cake and highlighted how training can also benefit the environment and public.

A fertiliser course – one of 32 projects held during the year – attracted farmers who jointly bought about 2,000 tonnes a year.

Mr Hugill said: “Inappropriate applications can increase emissions of nitrous oxides which are about 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Funding a course like this helps farmers to improve the application of fertiliser, therefore reducing the amount farmers spend as well as emissions.”

Graham Bulmer, of the Farmer and Churches Rural Commission (CRC) based at Thirsk auction mart, North Yorkshire, said they encouraged farmers to take part.

Church facilities have been made available for training venues and events at auction marts had even included free health checks.

Carrick Armer, of Yorwoods, said his organisation had contacted about 700 foresters via email and post to tell them about available courses.

The meeting then visited Minskip dairy farmer Robert Graham who, through Land- Skills, has completed the official Herdsman Certificate.

He was so impressed with the training that he gives talks about it to other farmers.

The Herdsman’s certificate was the idea of Ripon-based Bishopton Vets, who are rolling it out nationally via the national XL Vets network.

LandSkills is part of the Rural Development Programme for England and it is managed by Lantra on behalf of Yorkshire Forward, the rural development agency, which funds the regional programme.

For further details, visit the website lantra.co.uk/ Land Skills, call 01226-766500 or email LandSkills@lantra.co.uk