A REGIONAL law firm’s clients have once again made it one of the most successful firms in the North-East in raising money for the charity, Will Aid, despite the economic crisis.

Tilly Bailey & Irvine Solicitors participated in Will Aid month by replacing their normal fee with a donation to the charity for all normal wills drawn up during November 2012.  During the month, Tilly Bailey & Irvine Solicitors’ clients donated £6,500, one of the highest amounts raised by a North East firm, and the 26th most successful firm in the UK.

Carolyn Tilly, partner with Tilly Bailey & Irvine Solicitors, said: “We’re very proud of the generosity of our clients in once again raising so much for Will Aid.  It is obvious that our clients see this as a great way to support the work of these vital charities, and to ensure the futures of their loved ones through making or updating their will.  Will Aid is often the catalyst that brings people in to make their will, a task that is so often left on a person’s ‘to do’ list.  We plan to continue supporting Will Aid in the future, with the help of our clients, of course.”

Val Barron from Christian Aid received the donation on behalf of Will Aid.  She added: “Tilly Bailey & Irvine Solicitors has supported Will Aid for many years, and all the charities are grateful not only for the fundraising, but also for the awareness they spread about the work the charities carry out both in the UK and overseas.  In total, Will Aid 2012 raised over £1.8 million pounds across the UK, which is especially generous when times are increasingly tough for many.”

Since it began supporting Will Aid, Tilly Bailey & Irvine Solicitors has raised over £27,000 for the charity which uses the funds to help vulnerable children, families and older people through the nine chosen charities; ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF and Trocaire.  Tilly Bailey & Irvine Solicitor’s offices in Hartlepool, Stockton on Tees and Barnard Castle participated in the scheme.