A GOVERNMENT-SUPPORTED business specialising in environmentallyfriendly recycling of IT equipment has called on companies to improve their methods of disposing of old equipment.

If e-waste is consigned to landfill, there is loss of rare and valuable materials and pollution of the land for hundreds of years as toxic compounds leach into the soil, says Remploy e-cycle.

Alternatively, where the waste is illegally shipped to developing countries, it creates huge issues of land pollution and poisoning of the workers.

Malcolm Watson, general manager of Remploy ecycle, said: “Despite legislation, thousands of computers in the UK and Europe are still finding their way to landfill, are incinerated or are simply dumped outside the EU in places like West Africa.”

e-cycle is the part of Remploy which recycles and refurbishes IT equipment.

For more details, or to find out about how to dispose of old IT equipment safely, visit remployecycle.co.uk