WEBSITES have become a necessity of any modern business. Whether you are just starting out, or your company has managed without one until now, then there are a few things to consider before taking the plunge.

Firstly, take time out to sit down and write out what you think would be the potential benefits of having an internet presence, how you envisage your site to look and function, and what you want to offer to users.

Initial questions to pose yourself might be:

● Who would be your target market?

● What message/service do you want to get across?

● Do you need a simple brochure site advertising your services, or to sell your products online?

● What is your competition offering?

● What is your budget?

● What features would you require – would you like to be able to update the site yourself, write a blog, or interact with social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter?

● Do you have a domain name registered?

Is your preferred name already taken?

Once you’ve given this some thought, put yourself in the shoes of a potential customer viewing your site, or think about how you use other businesses websites.

A simple navigational structure is essential to help visitors find the information they need quickly and efficiently.

How would you like it to look, do you have a corporate logo or colour scheme that needs to be reflected online? This might also be a good time to refresh your current brand design.

Before contacting potential developers, do a little research. Come up with a list of websites that you like, analyse why they work for you and why you visit them.

There are many website development companies out there. It’s worth Googling around to find good candidates in your area. While looking at their website, look for terms such as “accessibility” and “web standards”. Your website will need to work across many different web browsers and platforms, and also take in to account visually impaired or disabled users.

Finally, when you’ve given all the above some consideration, get in touch with your preferred web developer. You’ll then have a clear idea of what you want, which will be a great way to start your new online presence.

■ Kevin McLean is director of Northgate Systems, of Stanhope, County Durham.