MANUFACTURING company Rohm and Haas has invested almost £500,000 in a boilerhouse to help cut carbon emissions.

The South Tyneside firm is looking to introduce the facility soon and close its two less efficient ones.

Meldrum Construction Services has won the contract to create the boilerhouse and is working at the Jarrow chemical plant.

The structure will house equipment which produces steam, air and nitrogen.

Rohm and Haas, which was set up in the region in 1955, employs 150 people and produces more than 20 chemical products.

Richard Moss, Jarrow site manager, said: "Rohm and Haas continue to make a commitment to reduce our energy-related emissions.

"Since 2000, we have reduced our carbon dioxide release per tonne of product by 38 per cent, and this is another significant step to improve upon this."

Jon Wall, Meldrum site foreman, said: "We are delighted to be on target to deliver a timely job, within projected costings."