A MANUFACTURING leader will highlight the importance of apprenticeships at an event that celebrates training and development.

Terry Scuoler, chief executive of EEF, the manufacturer’s organisation, has been confirmed as one of the speakers attending an apprentice reunion event at SW Durham Training (SWDT) in Newton Aycliffe.

Mr Scuoler, who joined EEF having spent ten years as managing director of leading aerospace and defence markets supplier Ferranti Technologies Ltd, believes that apprenticeships will play an increasingly important role in the development of the region’s manufacturing industry, and that businesses in the area should be encouraged to do their bit to bring through the next generation.

He said: “Manufacturing is a sector that I believe can be a cornerstone of the UK’s economic growth and prosperity, and as such, we absolutely rely on people power the skills, commitment and hard work of people in the sector - to drive it forward.

“A culture of and commitment to excellence is something that has always kept the UK front of mind when it comes to manufacturing and engineering, and it is organisations like SWDT that make this possible.

“For 45 years, SWDT has been equipping people with both new and additional skills to ensure that the UK’s manufacturing businesses benefit from the most highly-skilled staff possible, and this is something that should be commended.

“The ongoing growth of the sector relies on the development of the best people, and with centres like SWDT in the North-East, I am sure there is a genuine opportunity for the region to further develop its reputation as a genuine hub for engineering and manufacturing.

Mr Scuoler will be the main guest speaker at SWDT for the event on Tuesday, October 30, which will bring together former apprentices from across the region.

Any former SWDT student keen to attend the event should contact David Allison, health and safety and facilities manager at SWDT, on 01325-313194 or email dallison@swdt.co.uk