AN apprentice has seen the fruits of his labour pay off handsomely after a bold move to give up work in favour of qualifications brought its rewards.

Joshua Owens put himself through a number of electrical and engineering courses, and even left a full-time job because it stopped him from attending college.

The 21-year-old's tenacity caught the attention of bosses at engineering firm, Tees Components, in Skelton, east Cleveland, who have offered him an apprenticeship and are supporting his studies.

Mr Owens, a former Rye Hills School pupil, from Redcar, will make control panel cabinets for ships and says he hopes to travel abroad once fully qualified to carry out installation and servicing.

He said: “I've been coming to Redcar and Cleveland College since I left school to get as many engineering qualifications as I can, and although I had a job, I wanted to better myself with a higher national diploma course.

“I didn't wait for a company to do it for me and putting in the work has definitely been worth it.”

Sharon Lane, Tees Components' general manager, hoped Mr Owen's attitude would inspire more young workers.

She said: “The fact Josh showed such initiative really impressed us, he had done electrical and mechanical engineering and we are finding that we need people with both skill sets.

“He is the kind of self-starter we are looking for and has a great career ahead of him.”