A CONSTRUCTION boss is determined to help schoolchildren to understand the benefits of apprenticeships.

John Finley, managing director of Finley Structures in Newton Aycliffe, has taken part in an awareness programme with year 9 students from Greenfield Community College.

The scheme, run by the Engineering Development Trust and funded by Great Aycliffe and Middridge Partnership (GAMP), was successfully piloted with Woodham Academy last year.

Mr Finley, who went straight into a labouring job in a bakery after leaving school, fears there aren’t enough skilled youngsters available these days as the majority of school leavers go into further education. But he believed programmes such as the one being run in Aycliffe should help.

He said: “It has been well documented that we face a skills shortage which is set to increase over the next 10 years, and with an ailing construction industry, I think it’s imperative we look at the basics and start educating children from a young age that they can enjoy good, successful, well-paid careers through apprenticeships.

“That will enable us to get more skilled people into factories and the apprentices of today will become our leaders of tomorrow.

“Ultimately it will help the manufacturing, construction and engineering industries which will play a key role in this country’s recovery.

“It’s important, therefore, that we embrace programmes such as the Apprenticeship Awareness Programme being run in Newton Aycliffe and it was good to see some fantastic presentations being made at Greenfield this week.”

David Priestley, head teacher at Greenfield, says his students have benefited hugely from the programme.

He said: “Companies from Aycliffe Business Park have enabled our students to go out there and learn about some of the world-leading businesses that exist right here where we live.

“This is about making sure all our young people have the maximum amount of choices when it comes to leaving school.

“I thought all presentations were exceptional and it was impossible to single one out from another. They were all winners.

“The whole process has been extremely useful, and we’re grateful to all the companies for letting our children go to them to explore the world of work.

“It has provided invaluable experiences, and I feel this is just the beginning of what could be a very worthwhile exercise in the long-term.”