A BUSINESSWOMAN has gone from being £60,000 in debt and suffering from depression to being in charge of 900 staff and turning over £1m in four years.

Jeanette Stewart, 33, from Stanley, in County Durham, now wants to share the secrets of her success with other women as European Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Week begins.

Mrs Stewart, who has been able to repay her loans, finance her dream wedding and redecorate her home, has found success through selling Avon, which she initially started as a part-time way of making extra money four years ago.

She became so successful that two years ago she gave up her job as a manager at a telecommunications firm to manage her team full-time.

She said: “To be successful, I think you need to be focused and organised. You need know what you want to achieve and to give each task your attention until it is finished.

“You also need to work very hard. I don’t know how I had time for another full-time job, but somehow I managed.”

Mrs Stewart grew up watching her mother buy Avon, and decided four years ago to have a go at selling it herself, becoming so successful she left her manager’s job.

“It was a big decision,” she said.

“I was with the company for ten years and I’d got to the point where I knew I couldn’t progress any further until someone left or retired.

“I’m the sort of person who likes to move forward.

“My husband, Kevin, was my rock.

“We sat down and looked at it and I decided to take the plunge.

“It was the best thing I ever did.

“If it wasn’t for Avon, I believe I would have lost my house, as it was in the process of being repossessed. I would still have my debt and I would still be suffering from anxiety and depression.

“I would probably not of met my husband, as he came round to measure up for a blind and we got talking because of Avon.”

She said she gets a lot out of her job.

“I enjoy seeing my team doing well and progressing.

“I really like to see people getting the best out of themselves.

“I feel like I am achieving my dream every single day.”