MORE than half a million people started an apprenticeship in the past year, with strong growth at advanced and higher levels, according to new figures.

However, most of the increases have been among older workers, rather than young people who have been hit hardest by rising unemployment.

The Government said the increase of nearly 50,000 compared with the 2010-11 academic year was a momentous achievement.

Skills minister Matthew Hancock said: “It shows our passion for skills, and is a ringing endorsement from employers and apprentices alike, who are reaping the benefits of a more highlyskilled workforce.

“I am particularly pleased to see such a big increase in the number of people signing up for advanced level and higher level apprenticeships, which open the road for people wanting to become engineers, lawyers and accountants.”

Tess Lanning, senior research fellow at the IPPR think tank, said: “The increase in apprenticeships is very welcome, but much of that growth has come from over-25s, rather than in places for young people.

“Over-25s now take 44 per cent of all apprenticeships.

“What’s more, workplace skills training for adults has fallen by 275,400 places, suggesting that employers have simply shifted their workers on to apprenticeships in order to continue getting Government funding.”