A LEADING offshore windfarm developer is to sponsor renewable energy research at Durham University.

Dong Energy is to sponsor a renewable energy chair at the university's Durham Energy Institute (DEI) for the next eight years.

Professor Phil Taylor will be the first person to hold the chair and will carry out both research and teaching.

The sponsorship also includes funding of a full scholarship at the university for a masters student each year.

Professor Taylor said: "Dong Energy's long term commitment to renewable energy is further emphasised by their sponsoring of this position, which will help Durham Energy Institute (DEI) maximise the potential of all our strands of research into renewables." Peter Gedbjerg, vice president for Dong Energy Power UK, said: "The UK is aiming to vastly increase the amount of offshore wind generation it has in the next decade, which means building faster and further from shore.

"There are still challenges in deeper waters for wind. As one of the big players in offshore wind, Dong Energy must be active and at the forefront of ensuring that we develop the new technologies required."

There are currently 50 postgraduates undertaking a research training programme in energy at DEI.